Space Studies

Space Studies is a department that promotes the study of space, coordinating with the Division Head to promote events for the ship.  Some duties include:


  • Provide interesting knowledge regarding the stars, planets, and the cosmos as a whole
  • Assist in planning away missions to planetariums, observatories, or similar sites
  • Explore potential for life elsewhere in the universe and the discoveries being made each day
  • Write articles regarding new discoveries about any aspect of the cosmos for the ship newsletter


Examples of positions available in this department are Stellar Cartographer, Astronomer, Cosmologist, and Exobiologist.


The Department Chief for Space Studies is currently open. To hold this position, they are required to be compliant with SFDPP 101, 102 and the yearly re-certification of SFDPP, as well as the completion of the OCC and OTS within STARFLEET Academy.