

Founded in San Francisco on Earth in 2161, the beginnings of the Federation were created during the Babel Crisis of 2154. The founding members of the Federation - Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, and Tellarites - formed a temporary alliance to search for a Romulan drone ship that had beeen preying on local vessels. Around 2155, these four joined with the Denobulans, Rigelians, and the Coridanites to begin talks in order to create with what would later be known as the precursor of the Federation: The Coalition of Planets. When the Earth-Romulan War broke out in 2156 and was won by an alliance of Earth, Andoria, Vulcan and Tellar in 2160, it pushed the impetus of creating the foundation of the Federation which took place the following year between the dignitaries of the four planets.


The Federation's intentions have always been peaceful but sadly, there were powers around them that have been less so - Klingon Empire and Romulan Star Empire to name a few. Expanding through the admittance of more worlds, it was only natural that it would come into conflict with these powers. During the 23rd Century, the main adversary to the Federation was the Klingon Empire, culminating into war from 2256-57 as well as briefly erupting in 2267 before the Organians stepped in. Tensions eased eventually towards the end of the century, leading to the Khitomer Conference of 2293. The signing of the Khitomer Accords led to the end of hostile relations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation.


The beginning of the 24th Century, the Federation began a period of peaceful exploration without major conflicts, despite relations with the Romulan Star Empire being at a "cold war" level. Throughout the 24th Century, there were a series of conflict as the Federation came into contact with other races - the Cardassians, Talarians, Tholians, and Tzenkethi. Then, the period of peaceful exploration came to an abrupt end in 2365 as the Federation came into contact with the Borg. A cybernetic hive-mind, the Borg are one of the most powerful and destructive forces in the entire galaxy. By chance and resourcefulness, they were foiled despite invading Federation space twice in one decade. This was a reminder to the Federation that within the vastness of space, there were threats that were both unknown and unimaginable.


Contact was made in 2370 with the Dominion, the dominant ruling power over the Gamma Quadrant. After many skirmishes and misfortunes suffered by the Cardassian Union, they eventually allowed themselves to be incorporated into the Dominion, joining into the subsequent Dominion invasion of the Alpha Quadrant. The Dominion/Cardassian forces were eventually joined by the powerful and reclusive race known as the Breen. This war was one of the greatest crisis to ever be faced by the Federation, leading to an alliance between the Federation, Klingons, and the Romulan Star Empire in order to defeat the Dominion. Despite the Alliance emerging victorious, many of the Federation's important member worlds - the Betazed, Coridanite, Benzar - had been temporarily occupied by Dominion forces before their offensive was turned back. Millions of lives were lost along with thousands of Starfleet vessels in what one the bloodiest conflicts in the Federations history. The most devistating and demoralizing attack occurred in 2375, the Breen surprise attacked Starfleet Headquarters on Earth.


In the aftermath of the invasions of the Dominion and Borg, the Federation was able to establish new relations with former adversaries. Cooperation between the crew of the Starfleet vessel, USS Enterprise-E, with Romulan forces to defeat the Reman Praetor Shinzon who had planned to destroy both Earth and the Romulan Star Empire. This would mark what has been hoped to be the end of hostility between the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire. Despite 14 members opposing aid and threatening to secede, the discovery of the Romulan sun going supernova led to Starfleet mobilizing a rescue armada to aid in evacuation efforts. Assembling over Mars, this armada was destroyed during First Contact Day in 2385, culminating in Starfleet abandoning its attempt at evacuating Romulus, but the Federation Council placed a ban on creating or researching artificial life. Romulus was destroyed by the supernova in 2387, and the ban on artificial life was lifted in 2399 with the discovery of the Romulan Cabal, Zhat Vash, and its actions during the android attack.


((History listed here covers from Star Trek: Enterprise, Star Trek: The Original Series, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek: Picard.  Star Trek: Lower Decks falls within this timeline.  Star Trek:  Discovery has not completed its run, so at this time is not included within this history.  As well, the Mirror Universe has not been added as well.))