Races of the Galaxy


Star Trek has a great number of races in its rich history. The following is a list of the great number that are currently a part of the known universe. As more are added, they will be added. To find out more about each race, please visit either Wikipedia or Memory Alpha.


  • Aenar
  • Andorian
  • Angosian
  • Antedan
  • Arcadian
  • Arcturian
  • Axanar


  • Bajoran
  • Ba'ku
  • Bandi
  • Ba'ul
  • Berellian
  • Benzite
  • Betazoid
  • Bolian
  • Borg
  • Breen
  • Brikar


  • Cardassian
  • Changeling


  • Deltan

  • Denobulan

  • Dosi

  • Douwd


  • Edosian
  • El Aurian


  • Ferengi


  • Gorn


  • Hirogen
  • Horta


  • Illyrian


  • Jem'Hadar


  • Kazon
  • Kelpien
  • Klingon
  • Kzinti


  • Lanthanite


  • Organian
  • Orion


  • Pakled


  • Q


  • Romulan
  • Reman


  • Son'a

  • Species 8472


  • Talaxian

  • Talosian

  • Tellarite

  • Tholian

  • Tribble

  • Trill


  • Vidiian

  • Vorta

  • Vulcan


  • Xindi-Aquatics
  • Xindi-Arboreals
  • Xindi-Avians
  • Xindi-Insectoids
  • Xindi-Primates
  • Xindi-Reptilians