Divisions and Departments


The USS Alan Turing is divided into three divisions - Command, Operations, and Sciences.  Each of these divisions are share various responsibilities that help make the ship function.  Without this, it would place too much responsibility on just one or two people, thus creating a quick burn out situation and creating a higher turnover within the command structure.


The Operations Division is comprised of a total of eight departments - Communications, Engineering, Entertainment, Helm Control, Logistics, Navigation, Security, and Tactical.  The division is led overall by the Operations Officer.  Operations and the departments within are the heartbeat of a ship, both fictionally and realistically.


The Sciences Division is comprised of a total of three departments - Planetary Studies, Space Studies, and Medical with two sub-departments of Psychological Services and Spiritual Services.  This is the division that guides the ship, researches the spatial anomalies we encounter, ensures our health and well-being, and otherwise provides for our knowledge, both what is known and what we have yet to learn.  


The Command Division is the corps of officers and crewmen whom run the command and control functions as well as the administrative response between the ship and the fleet, both at the regional level as well as international.  The Command Division consists of the Commanding Officer (CO), the Executive Officer (XO), the Second Officer (SO), and the Chief of the Ship.


The following is a brief overview of each of the departments:


  • Communications:  Much as the name implies, aboard the ship this department deals with the communications of the ship.  From Facebook to Discord, promotional materials to the newsletter, they get the information out that helps keep the crew inform as well as promoting the crew to the outside world.
  • Engineering:  These are the skilled producers, advisors, and resources for the crew.  From 3D printing to costuming, prop making to website construction, they provide the technical expertise to help the ship and crew create the dream of being a part of the fictional world within Star Trek.
  • Entertainment:  This department helps with the morale of the ship, creating and supporting shipboard events such as watch parties, movie nights, game nights, and social gatherings. 
  • Helm Control:  This department helps with the physical function of moving the crew from location to location.
  • Logistics:  The Logistics Department is the heart of the chapter, supporting the logistics that make events and away missions happen by coordinating with other departments and command staff. They also are responsible for maintaining shipboard supplies and acquiring gear for the crew.
  • Navigation:  The Navigation Department works together to create the maps and directions to ship functions and other events.
  • Security:  The Security Department is responsible for the safety of the chapter, both in its home port as well as when deployed on away missions.
  • Tactical:  The Tactical Department coordinates with venue locations and advises both Security and Command of possible issues, working with both to create a viable solution.
  • Planetary Studies:  Planetary Studies is the department responsible for helping with locale research for events.  They are encouraged to also expand the ship's knowledge in the various sciences that affect the world around us, from geology to meteorology, helping to provide not only emergency information during storm season to keep people safe but to offer new discoveries within the world we live in.
  • Space Studies:  Space Studies is a department that promotes the study of space, coordinating with the Division Head to promote events for the ship.  They create articles and posts about knowledge about space discoveries and the universe around us.
  • Medical:  The Medical Department helps provide information about hazards not only in the region - heat dangers, basic first aid, etc.  On site, if trained, they provide first aid care for the crew and support medical personnel as necessary.  They also liaison between the venue and the crew for members of the crew who require special considerations, as well as keep track of any medical allergies or conditions that crewmembers may have if shared with them.
  • Psychological Services:  Known as the ship's counselors, they are the helpful ear for those that need it.  They do not supersede the care one gets from a crewmember's doctors, it is only to give them support and advice that does not require medical need.
  • Spiritual Services:  Spiritual Studies is the department that offers research and education of the various religions within and outside the Federation, answering questions for members of the crew as well as the Command Staff.


If you have any questions about the Divisions or Departments, please do not hesitate to ask.