Region 12 Command Structure


  • Acting Regional Coordinator (RC): Fleet Captain Shane Landelius
  • Vice-Regional Coordinator (VRC):  
  • Chief of Staff/Head of Communications/Quartermaster/Chief Financial Officer:  Rear Admiral Jim Landelius
  • Shakedown Officer:  Captain Yolonda Whitworth
  • Summit Coordinator:  Lieutenant Commander Jennifer Goerke
  • Webmaster:  Major General S. Christopher Boggs
  • Awards Officer:  Brigadier Robert Frizzell
  • Quarterly Awards, Recruitment & Retention:  Captain Richard Rutledge
  • Chaplain:  General Larry French, Sr.
  • Chief of Medical Sciences:  Captain Susan Anderson
  • Defense Force Liaison:  Major General Shane Russell
  • Assistant Surgeon General:  Captain Laura Felty


These are the officers that help make the region function as smoothly as possible.  The Regional Coordinator, or RC, is the region's representation at the international level and is a member of what is known as the Admiralty Board.  Their second in command, or Vice-Regional Coordinator (VRC), supports them in this function, stepping into the position should should the RC need it.  The other positions help support both of these officers, running everything from newsletters, awards, acting as liaisons, and upkeeping the region's website all in the hopes of making things not only easier for the RC, but enjoyable for all members of the region.