Brigade Level Awards

Through out the year, a Brigade will issue awards for a variety of reasons, from service and volunteering to campaign participation and yearly recognition awards.  Below is a description for each of the Brigade level awards that a STARFLEET Marine may be eligible for in their career.


Awards of Valor


  • Cross of Valor (Silver Cross) – This award is given to the marine, officer or enlisted, that most exemplifies the spirit, image and attitude of the SFMC within a particular Brigade. The one who sets the standard for personal conduct, appearance, motivation, dedicated service and esprit de corps for which all STARFLEET Marines in that brigade strive. The respective brigade staff shall select the top three awardees of that year’s Cross of Gallantry for that brigade, and pass those names to the Brigade OIC for their selection of the final recipient.
  • Sword of Valor (Silver Swords) – This award is given to the Marine who most exemplifies the personal and professional standards of leadership valued by the Brigade. This individual, through their actions and words, has provided the highest standard of guidance and leadership to their fellow Marines, setting a standard of excellence for other leaders to follow. Normally, the Brigade Staff selects the top three candidates for this award from among the Sword of Gallantry recipients in that Brigade, and passes those names on to the Brigade OIC for their selection of the final recipient.
  • Shield of Valor (Silver Hourglass ) – This award is given to the Marine who has made the most significant personal impact in community service efforts within the Brigade. This effort does not necessarily have to be on behalf of a SFMC campaign effort, but financial donations are specifically excluded as the basis for eligibility. Volunteering your time and hard work counts; simply writing a check does not. Candidates for this award should be chosen from marines in a particular brigade who have received the Community Service Citation, or Shield of Gallantry within the past year.
  • Star of Valor (Silver Star) – This award is given to the Marine NCO who most exemplifies the personal and professional standards of leadership valued by the NCO Corps of a Brigade. This Marine NCO has made a significant personal impact in community service efforts throughout their area, and through their actions and words, have provided the highest standard of guidance and leadership to their fellow Marines, setting a standard of excellence for other NCOs to follow. Normally, the Brigade Staff selects the top three candidates for this award from among the Star of Gallantry recipients in that brigade, and passes those names on to the Brigade OIC for their selection of the final recipient.
  • Legion of Valor – This award is given to the Brigade unit that most exemplifies the spirit, image and attitude of the STARFLEET Marine Corps within that Brigade. This unit should set the standard for conduct, appearance, motivation and activity Valor winner from that year’s recipients of the Meritorious Unit Citation.Marines will wear the device for the highest earned in a given year, meaning over the years more than one level could be earned. Both can be displayed on the same ribbon, with the highest level device (LoH) on the viewer’s left (wearer right), with any subsequent award stars going to the right of that device. The  LoV, if also worn (earned in a different year) will be to the viewer’s right of the LoH and any subsequent stars. Any LoV stars are right of that device.  Maximum of 4 total devices on the ribbon. 


Brigade Achievement Awards


  • Brigade Achievement Award (BAA) - This award is given to recognize marines who have rendered exceptional service to a particular brigade by performing a particular task or service to a high standard of excellence. Such accomplishment should be of regional significance and affect or reflect favorably on the brigade as a whole.
  • Brigade Service Commendation (BSC) - This award is given to recognize marines who have rendered exceptional service to a particular brigade by demonstrating consistently outstanding performance over time. To be eligible for this award, a marine must have served in an official capacity for a period of at least six months.


Brigade Service Awards


  • SFI Honor Guard (HG) - Recipients of this award have spent time and effort in close order drill or other parade skills, and are deserving of special recognition.
  • Great Barrier Expedition - This award is given to SFI Members who have undertaken extreme or lengthy travel on behalf of SFI. The two important criteria are extreme or lengthy and on behalf of the SFI. The former requires a judgment call by the Issuing Authority. A possible standard might be 5 hours travel time, for example. The latter is more exact: Taking a long road trip to attend a convention with the other members of your chapter, for
    example, does not qualify. Doing so because you are going to be presenting a class or demonstration benefiting SFI would qualify.
  • Community Service Citation (CSC) - This award is authorized to SFI Members who have made a significant personal impact in a community service effort. This effort does not necessarily have to be on behalf of a SFI/SFMC/SFSO campaign effort for the current year, however financial donations are specifically excluded as the basis for eligibility, volunteering your time and hard work count, simply writing a check does not.
  • Brigade Muster Award (BMA) - This award is given to those SFMC members who attend their Brigade s annual Muster, if one is held.
  • Joint Service Ribbon (JS) - This award is given to SFI Members for participation in events with other Science Fiction oriented fan organizations, to include other Star Trek-related fan organizations other than SFI. This may be cooperative or competitive, and must be done while obviously participating as a STARFLEET member.
  • Embassy Duty (ED) - This award is given to SFI members for participation at a STARFLEET function, such as the annual International Conference or a Regional Summit. The key word here is participation, not attendance. The member must have done more than simply attend (i.e., served on a panel, worked on the Security detail, etc.). Event Honor Guard detail does not count for this ribbon, as it has its own award.
  • Legion of Arms (LA) - This award is authorized to members of SFI who have actively served 180 days or more in the active or reserve components of their country’s armed forces. In the case of the United States, this includes the Marine Corps, Navy, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and Space Force. It does not include the Merchant Marine or service auxiliaries like the Civil Air Patrol. It does include the Reserve Officer Training Courses (such as ROTC), or similar organizations. The member must have completed two years of service and summer camp (basic training, MS3) for the United States Armed Services. Other countries’ qualifying service will be authorized by the COFORCECOM on an as needed basis. This award may be worn at the same time as the Cadet Legion of Arms if the wearer has qualified to wear both awards. However, it is discouraged and the preferred wear for those who are qualified for both awards is that the Legion of Arms is the only one worn.


Unit Awards


  • Meritorious Unit Citation (MUC) - This is awarded by the Brigade to the MSG/MEU for exceptional work done on behalf of the Brigade, setting the standard for other units to follow.
  • Brigade Challenge Award (BCA) - Awarded, with appropriate assigned device, per guidelines established for each authorized Brigade Challenge. Each Brigade may propose a challenge/activity that serves the entire SFMC. Challenges/activity requires General Staff approval.