Orders of Merit

The STARFLEET Orders of Merit Program is designed to recognize achievements of STARFLEET members at every level of the organization.  Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis, and award winners are announced on a quarterly basis.  If you are submitting a nomination for a special event (IC, Summit, etc), please submit the nomination four (4) weeks in advance, and please note that on the “Special Requests” section of the nomination. We will do our best to accommodate you! Nominations may be submitted for activities that occurred within the past six (6) months. If a series of activities is the basis for the nomination, the most recent activity should have occurred within that time frame. Nominations may be submitted for any STARFLEET member in good standing by any other STARFLEET member. Nominations for Orders of Merit, First Class, require the endorsement of any Regional Coordinator (please note that this does not need to be the nominator’s or the nominee’s RC, but can be any sitting RC). A STARFLEET member may not nominate him or her self. A STARFLEET member may win the same award once per calendar year. Nominations for Orders of Merit, Second and Third Class will be reviewed and approved (or rejected) by the Awards Director. Nominations for Orders of Merit, First Class, will be reviewed and approved (or rejected) by majority vote of the STARFLEET Executive Committee. Nominations should be a description of how the nominated member has gone above and beyond the call of duty in providing service to his or her chapter, region, or STARFLEET. Nominations should not just be a listing of activities and events, but should explain why the member deserves the award.  If you have any questions about the Orders of Merit, do not hesitate to ask.


Each Order of Merit is named based on a cultural aspect that reflects the qualities recognized in the award. Cultures used include Terran, Vulcan and other species.  Each Order has three classes — First, Second and Third. Generally, an Order of Merit, Third Class will recognize significant achievement at the chapter level, Second Class will recognize significant achievement at the regional level, and First Class will recognize the highest level of achievement to STARFLEET. An Order of Merit, First Class, must have its nomination endorsed by a Regional Coordinator and may only be awarded by majority vote of the STARFLEET Executive Committee.


Order of Axanar – Mediation or Problem Resolution – Awarded to a member who has played a key role in problem resolution or mediation between STARFLEET members, chapters or regions.

Order of Babel – Recruiting – Awarded to a member for activities in the area of chapter or STARFLEET recruitment.

Order of Cochrane – Technology – Awarded to a member for activities in the area of technology support (such as web page creation and maintenance, mailing list moderation, etc) on behalf of their chapter, region, or STARFLEET.

Order of Darmok and Jalad – Outreach – Awarded to a member for a significant act of friendship or outreach shown to a fellow STARFLEET member, or for outreach to their community on behalf of their chapter, region or STARFLEET.

Order of Dionysus – Recreational Event Planning – Awarded for excellence in planning, coordinating and executing a chapter, region or STARFLEET-related recreational event.

Order of Gaea – Ecology or Preservation – Awarded to a member for significant activities in the area of ecology or preservation. Activities need not be STARFLEET-related.

Grankite Order of Tactics – Event Planning – Awarded to a member for planning, coordinating and executing a chapter, region or STARFLEET-related business event (such as a Regional Conference or International Conference).

Order of Hawking – Accessibility – Awarded to a member for significant activities in making chapter, region or STARFLEET events or resources accessible to disabled members.

Order of Herodotus – History or Record-keeping – Awarded to a member for significant activities in preserving a chapter’s, region’s or STARFLEET’s history.

Order of Prentares – Space Research or Exploration – Awarded to a member for significant activity in promoting the cause of space research or exploration. Activities need not be STARFLEET-related.

Order of Rand – Administrative Service – Awarded to a member for contributing to the creation, as well as the translation, of STARFLEET materials such as manuals, handbooks, etc. on behalf of their chapter, region, or STARFLEET.

Order of Roddenberry – Star Trek – Awarded to a member for significant activity in promoting Star Trek, development and implementation of fun, Star Trek-themed ideas, and Star Trek fandom as a whole.

Order of Samaritan – Volunteerism – Awarded to a member for significant activities in the area of charity work or volunteerism. Activities need not be STARFLEET-related.

Order of S’harien – Inventiveness or Craftsmanship – Awarded to a member for excellence in inventiveness or craftsmanship in an aspect related to their chapter, region or STARFLEET.

Order of Surak – Scholarship – Awarded to a member for scholastic achievement outside of STARFLEET. Can be traditional schooling, vocational schooling, continuing education, etc.

Order of Tarbolde of Canopius – Writing – Awarded to a member for activities in the area of chapter fiction, or writing for chapter, region, or STARFLEET publications.


(Information is taken straight from the SFI Awards website.)