

While the Federation is not known to have a standing army, it is not known to be without the ability to defend itself. While Starfleet is not a military organization, one of its mandates is the protection of the Federation and its members. To accomplish this, Starfleet ships are designed not only for exploration but with armament for if a situation arises that the ship not only needs to defend itself but has to come to the defense of a member of the Federation. Also within Starfleet are ground forces known as Starfleet Marines, an organization within Starfleet who are trained for ground engagements as well as naval engagements to a lesser degree.


Within STARFLEET, you will inevitably run into two more groups: MACO and SOU.


MACO, or the Military Assault Command Operations, is a group that is from before the formation of the Federation. Their tactics and technology at the beginning were often two to three years more advanced than the Starfleet posts they were assigned to, though their tactical training was based on simulations based on Earth. They are an augmentation to ships, trained in dealing with special tactics in ship combat and assault situations. The division known as MACO provides a unique experience of the Enterprise era of Star Trek for its members. It allows members to take classes and earn fictional certifications for various grades of training to advance within its structure and allows them to connect with others who enjoy similar aspects of Star Trek fandom.


SOU, or Special Operations Unit, was created by Federation charter in 2161 and are the smaller units within Starfleet Special Operations. In that charter, the SOU was mandated to: provide reconnaissance for future ground and aerial strikes; provide advanced intelligence for military planning; assist indigenous people with training to defend themselves and act as a force multiplier; To act as specialized Hostage Rescue Teams; act as forces to take back captured ships and bases; infiltrate enemy positions and remove key leadership forces; demolish covertly, the enemy’s ability to communicate among its forces; and provide training for deep cover intelligence agents. This is another group that allows members to take classes and earn fictional certifications for various grades of training to advance within its structure and allows them to connect with others who enjoy similar aspects of Star Trek fandom.